Door-In-The-Face & Foot-In-The-Door

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Door-in-the-face & Foot-in-the-Door

Door-in-the-face & Foot-in-the-Door


There are several researches in the area of persuasive messages and the strategies that follows the persuasive message approaches in the social sciences. The concepts in this area pertain to the use of single messages that are determined for larger audiences. The application of such theories involves the representation of a single or multiple message that reflects persuasion and persuasive messages. The attempt to persuade can be achieved through sequential process or in a planned manner. Some of the strategies of persuasive messages include the strategy of foot in the door and door in the face strategy. The door in the face strategy is used when an initial request made for a large audience in a sequential manner seems to be rejected and an alternate strategy is being followed depending upon the requests from a smaller group (Brian J.H., 2005). The later request is also made by a target group and the message needs to comply with the request of the target audiences in order to achieve the goal of the determination of an attempt to analyze the source. Thus, these theories attempts to use and apply the concept of compliance and conformity with the social influences of the people. The foot in the door technique is used when the persuasive messages are successful among a smaller target group and the source wants to present it in front of a larger group in order to make them comply with the notion.

This paper discusses the concepts of foot in the door and door in the face strategies that are based upon the theory of planned behavior. A mass media example and an interpersonal example are provided in the paper in order to correlate the theories with the practical world. The paper also discusses the ethical implications of the theory of planed behavior.

Door in the Face and foot in the door

The foot in the door strategy follows the notion when the persuader succeeds in persuading a small group of people to agree on a single point of request than the same pursuer is supposed to be addressing a larger group for presenting and making them complies with the certain message. It does not necessarily mean that the compliance to the latter requests made by the persuader is carried out due to some kind of pressure. The consumer or general public have an authority to decline the request. But the technique is successful in its own way because it takes up the confidence of the people who are being surveyed or asked for a smaller and then a larger request. Thus, the planned behavior is achieved by the persuader regarding the actual request that needs to be complied within. The people tend to agree on smaller tasks and then they become more likely to be involved in the larger tasks. This strategy is widely used in the sales and support processes and jobs in order to persuade the customers regarding a specific promotional campaign of a product ...
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