Domino's Pizza Corp

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Domino's Pizza Corp

Domino's Pizza Corp


These are what a company wants to do to improve sales which will inevitably lead to more profit. A big company e.g. Domino's Pizza will have different aims and objectives to a small company e.g. R. Bethells Fish Mongers because Domino's Pizza has already broke even, made profit and expanded which mite be the aims and objectives of R. Bethells Fish Mongers for the future.

Dominos Pizza's aims and objectives

To break in and expand in the British market.

To improve customer relations.

Improve speed and efficiency of pizza making.

Improve efficiency and speed of delivery.

Lower the cost of pizzas.

Make more profit.

Dominos Pizza achieve these aims and objectives

Dominos pizza has come up with a number of promotional ideas such as the Dominos Heat Wave® Hot Bag which keeps the pizza oven hot during a normal delivery. It is made out of a water repellent nylon rather than vinyl previously used. It both insulates and removes unwanted moisture from the bag keeping the pizza crisp and hot. This will boost sales as there customers will know there pizza will hot when it arrives (Serafin, Raymond, 1985).

The “spoodle” was an invention by Jeff Goddard who is the world fastest pizza maker. It is designed to be a ladle and a spoon to cut down on the time it takes to sauce a pizza. Dominos pizza have taken this on board and are using it to make a more efficient pizza delivery. Another way they have improved efficiency is through the Dominos Pizza Distribution which allows there stores to focus on delivering and making pizzas. It works by a head quarters to make the pizza dough, grate the cheese and chop the vegetables and send it to the shops nation wide saving time on production of pizzas (Prewitt, Milford, 1990).

Domino's Pizza Location

Domino's Pizza have located across the England very well. They are distributed across England competitively. In the areas they have set up in, there seems to be alot of customers and competitors. There are alot of residential areas where have set up, Domino's also have outlets in town centers which would boost the amount of customers. There seems to be alot of people which means alot of workers (Janofsky, Michael, 1993). The cost of land is low where they have set up. Domino's have opened in areas that have excellent transport links- walking, train, car and bus (Hume, Scott, and Raymond Serafin, 1991).

The location of the Domino's helps to deal with competitors. It does this by locating in areas where more people tend to be and has huge signs showing the direction to there outlets. Domino's is distributed across England very well which means Domino's is highly accessible to customers. This could mean that people would choose Domino's instead of going to pizza hut. anyone. If Domino's is more available, there would be more customers and more profits. However, people recognize Pizza (Driscoll, Lisa, and David Woodruff, 1991).

Strategic management

Domino's Pizza is a brand, it has products called Domino's Pizza ...
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