Domestic Violence Off Of The Movie “american Beauty” With Kevin Spacey

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Domestic Violence off of the movie “American Beauty” with Kevin Spacey

Domestic Violence off of the movie “American Beauty” with Kevin Spacey

Domestic violence is any action or omission starring the members who comprise the group family, this can be by marriage, blood or affiliation and transformed into aggressors relations between them causing damage to physical, psychological, sexual, economic or social one or several of them. This abuse can be specified as: Physical acts that threaten or attack the person's body such as pushes, slaps, punches, kicks, etc. Psychological Attitudes have intended to cause fear, intimidation, and controlling behavior, feelings and thoughts of the person who is being targeted as the insults, insults, control, etc. Sexual Imposition acts of nature sex against the will of the other person. Such as exposure to unwanted sexual activity, or manipulation through sex.

American Beauty is a 1999 American drama film directed by Sam Mendes and written by Alan Ball. Kevin Spacey stars as Lester Burnham, depressed, suburban father in a mid-life crisis that works as a magazine writer, but despises his job. At the beginning of the film, we see Lester talking with his boss, Brad, trying to save his job. At the beginning of the film we see Lester at his workplace; a dull, boring establishment. We see that Lester is not happy in his job, portrayed by his facial expressions while working. We see Lester's reflection in the screen of his computer screen which is covered by rows of data which looks like prison bars. These bars represent Lester's prison in which he is stuck, and in order to be happy he needs to get out. The use of motifs helped Mendes develop Lester's character as later on in the film we see that Lester becomes much happier after escaping from his prison after quitting his job.

American Beauty details the lives of a family of suburbanites who are either shallow and materialistic, or harvest some sort of deep pain. Kevin Spacey portrays Lester Burnham the suburban husband, who is considered pathetic by both his wife and his daughter. Spacey in these early moments is quite good in portraying these early moments. Spacey properly conveys his detrimental state in life, and his the way he is now basically sleepwalking through life. Spacey as well is quite good in showing his facade that he holds, he perhaps lays it on a bit thickly, but that works well for Lester, since it properly portrays how he has been doing this for so long, it is not really the most natural of facades, and it again it reinforces just the terrible condition he is in as a person.

American Beauty is not like any of the psychiatric movies which focus only on a certain disease or disorder, its symptoms and with only one story. In this movie, general psychiatric symptoms of mental disorders are shown simultaneously. Although not directly presented, anti-social personality disorder prevails on the major character which is Lester Burnham. It neither presented in the synopsis that ...
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