Domestic Violence And Psychological Impact

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Domestic Violence and Psychological Impact




Defining Domestic Violence4

Causes of Domestic Violence4

Results and Consequences of Domestic Violence5


Dealing with Domestic Violence6

Recommendation and Further Research6


Domestic Violence and Psychological Impact


Domestic violence, even in such modern times, has been an important and frequently recurrent problem that has been consistently become part of the changing environment that we live in (Hattendorf, 2010). While people and societies aspire to create progress and expansion, and making room for a better understanding and comprehension of places around them, unfortunately not much effort and contributions have been invested in the context of reviving and recovering victims of domestic violence around us.

This paper shall be developed around domestic violence, where the kind of tortures and the different varieties of assaults and exploitations would be explained at length (Jensen, 2000). The main objective behind this research paper would be to understand and analyze how adversely does domestic violence affects the stability and the connection that people tend to develop with their partners and that which ultimately leads to heading down in the Court.

Also, the paper has been designed to deliberate on the opinions and the evidences that have been brought forth by different authors and their research studies that have been brought to books and that the paper would then be able to develop a more precise, concrete and accurate representation of domestic violence (Walker, 2010).

Furthermore, the paper would also entail the factors that lead to domestic violence developing among partners (Walby and Allen, 2001). With the factors identified, both the assaulter and the assaulted would be able to track down the relevant behavioral patterns and that how could they help themselves and their partners through tremulous times.

The paper would end on a conclusive note, narrating the results that could be surface in the case of domestic violence (Hattendorf, 2010). With the results identified, it would actually make way for the development and understanding of a person's mental condition and that what could be done to assist the person conducting and experiencing domestic violence.


Defining Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence implies the form of assault or exploitation that occurs in one's domicile or household (Jensen, 2000). Generally, domestic violence has been seen and witnessed as a common practice in a full nest, where a father, mother and children complete the family.

It must also be acknowledged that while domestic violence particularly refers to family ties and the kind of problems that are associated with them, domestic violence can occur at any point where an intimate relationship is involved (Walker, 2010). Apart from family, this particular sect includes dating, relationship or even cohabitation.

Although many counseling sessions, medical treatments and even recovery programmes have been designed and established in the light of creating the best and most effective outcomes, not many positive results or responses have been seen in terms of domestic violence (Walby and Allen, 2001).

Causes of Domestic Violence

The causes of domestic violence can vary significantly from one person to another, country to country, even era to era, keeping in ...
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