Domestic Violence And Abuse Against Women

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Domestic Violence and Abuse against Women

Domestic Violence and Abuse against Women


Domestic violence is defined by the United Nations as those acts against women and girls “likely to result in harm, physical, sexual or suffering to women including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public life and private life.” According to the UN, domestic violence is defined as any act of aggression that results in harm or suffering physical, sexual or psychological, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public life as in private, and when these acts are performed by family members or emotional relationship person (WHO, 2001).

Problem Statement

Though the society has become advanced and liberal, violence against women is still carried out in households around the world. There is no distinction in culture, developed or under-developed countries or East and West when it comes to commit domestic violence and abuse against women. Story of Katherine Southard Reece is also similar to many of those who suffered domestic violence but it is very unlikely that women get rid of it and Reece is one of them (Beckett, 2012).


Through the psychological and physical violence occurs in the partnership gradually a climate of fear. The woman is always ready to do everything to avoid angering the offender again. If they obey their partner is satisfied and treated her well, she believes. At the same time, there are already small threats of violence and beatings, so that the coexistence of the woman is unpredictable (WHO, 2001). Through this constant fear and pressure, to want to make it right, the woman becomes more and more worn down. Their resilience is undermined with time until it makes no more resistance.

Most women are in an emotional and / or social dependency relationship with their partners from which they can only be solved with difficulty. Because unlike the dispute is with domestic violence to not slip off, but a system of ill-treatment, which is determined by power and control over a partner. These women live in constant fear of another outbreak of violence, which usually falls on them unannounced. This is what Rees used to feel that any of her acts may trigger the violent streak of her husband. That is why she always tried to avoid such things to carry which could make her husband angry (Beckett, 2012).

There is a profile when you consider that anyone can be in this situation. What has been observed is that women who go through this have characteristics quite similar. There are women with a greater tendency to fall into the trap of a violent relationship, overbearing and in successive relationships “tend to” with men who mistreat again. The woman who is under the tyranny of a violent man, perceived no way out of the relationship, think your husband is almost a “God Almighty”, perceive the world as hostile and believes he will not be able to fend for ...
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