Domestic Violence

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Domestic Violence

First of all we must clearly define what constitutes violence. Does it consist only hit someone physically? Until recently it was generally believed that the only form of violence was physical. However, modern psychology has made us more aware of the needs of human beings. We now know that there is another kind of violence that also causes harm to people: psychological violence or verbal abuse.

The systematic destruction of self-esteem of a person through criticism, insults, ridicule or abandonment is also abuse and violence. There is no doubt that sometimes blows the soul can hurt more than the blows to the body, including wounds can leave much deeper and lasting than physical injuries.

The child violence includes not only physical, but the shouting, scolding vehement, excessive punishment, neglect or lack of care, acceptance and love - so essential for social and emotional wellbeing of children. Another type of domestic violence, and in this case marriage and child at the same time, criticize or condemn the spouse or child to use to hurt. This is especially true of divorced spouses or divorce process.

The reason why the psychological violence is more difficult to recognize and eradicate is because their victims in general continue to suffer in silence because, unlike the effects of physical violence, her injuries are not apparent to the eye. Worse, when the suffering this violence eventually resorts to the help of others, often not understood or not treated fairly. Finally, this type of violence occurs in the privacy of the home so that it goes unnoticed to the outside world, sometimes for years. However, according to experts, psychological violence almost always precedes physical violence.

There is another kind of domestic violence. It is pressuring or coercing a woman to use contraceptives and abortifacients dangerous to be sterilized or to abort her unborn child. Countless women, especially in developing countries, suffer from pressure or are in fact forced to commit these and other acts that are intrinsically and gravely immoral. Recently, the sterilization program in Peru, which was used coercion and pressure and they caused the deaths of at least 18 women, was reported in the media the United States. However, the radical feminist movement of that country did not issue any protest against the infamous violation of human rights of many women in Peru.

Children have a wide range of reactions to witnessing violence domestic violence, including intervention, withdrawal or aggressive. These behaviors may be adaptive in the context of family violence but are not adaptive other scenarios.

Children who witness domestic violence risk suffer a wide range of psychological, emotional, behavioral, social and academic problems. Not all children exposed to domestic violence show clinically significant levels of mismatch.

For example, these children may display inappropriate attitudes about violence as a way to solve conflict, the more likely to use violence themselves and a greater belief their own responsibility to conflicts of their parents. Children witnessing domestic violence in the nearly three-quarters of cases of abuse, and almost half ...
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