In this study we try to explore the concept of use of television in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on effect of television on children behaviour and its relation with behaviour of a child. The research also analyzes many aspects of use of television and tries to gauge its effect on children behaviour. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for the influence of television and tries to describe the overall effect of use of television on children behaviour.
Is this a Crime?5
Who are the Victims?6
Cycle of Violence6
Emotional Abuse7
The Boy and the Girl Hit8
Social and economic costs10
Severity and Consequences12
The Emotional Vacuum13
Influence of Television on Children
Domestic violence is violence within the couple. It is an evolutionary process in which a partner engages, as part of a privileged relationship, domination expressed through physical aggression, psychological, sexual, economic or spiritual. Domestic violence has serious consequences for victims and for their children.
A study by the World Health Organization, based on interviews with 24,000 people in 10 countries, shows a prevalence of domestic violence vary according to the site between 15 and 70% of women (, 2004). In this case too, it is unfortunate that the designers of the survey have not seen fit to question the men and it officially for reasons of cost. Men are also abused in many Third World countries than in Western countries. Women suffer most in the violence between the couple (psychological, verbal, economic, physical assault and sexual violence). They are victims of male immature, egocentric or severe personality disorders For some, violence is "normal" response to what they see as "disobedience," they saw their father hit their mother, have a minimum tolerance frustration, know resolve conflicts and are therefore natural to hit their partner.
From 1977, the American sociologist Suzanne Steinmetz created the concept of later replaced by a in a 1980 study (Behind Closed Doors - Violence in the American Family), including a survey of victimization, Strauss, Gilles and Steinmetz argue that women commit half of domestic physical violence. According to them, men cause more direct damage to women, but women who use guns can cause serious injury (Lipsky, 2003).
Statement of the Problem
The problem statement here is to measure the importance of the issue of domestic violence and to determine the costs and effects on the victims.
Literature Review
Domestic violence can be defined as physical abuse, sexual or emotional that happens in a house or a family member to another.
Is this a Crime?
Domestic violence is a crime when a person Knowingly causes or attempts to cause physical harm to the family or household member Recklessly causes serious physical harm to the family or household member By threat of force, knowingly causing a family or household member to believe that the offender will cause imminent physical harm.
Who are the Victims? Domestic violence occurs across all lines of race, gender, culture, nationality, sexual orientation, social class and ...