Domestic Violence

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Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

Theoretical Explanations for Domestic Violence

Just as there is the need of agreement on the lone delineation for domestic violence, “there is no lone identified causal idea for domestic violence.”

In nonattendance of the lone idea, not less than four ideas are utilized to interpret why domestic violence occurs: social exchange/deterrence, social discovering, feminist, and environmental framework. These ideas, with their relevance to domestic violence, will be offered and critiqued in this section. A consideration of relevance of gender in domestic violence will close out section.

Social Exchange Theory

Under social exchange idea, human interaction is propelled by chasing pays and bypassing penalties and costs. It has been argued that domestic violence happens when charges manage not outweigh rewards. Costs in this context encompass promise for defensive personal activity by casualty, promise of being apprehended and imprisoned, decrease of individual rank, and dissolution of domestic arrangement (Sartin, Hansen, Huss, 2006).

Social Learning Theory

The social discovering idea proposes that persons discover to be violent by being directly paid or penalized after they consign violent demeanor, through what is called reinforcement, by observing knowledge of other ones, called modeling. According to some professionals, there is the association between persons who observer abusive demeanor in their previous inhabits and those who consign domestic violence later .

Feminist Theory

According to feminist idea, domestic violence emanates from the “patriarchal” school scheme which assigns men blame for commanding and organizing feminine partners. Under this idea, domestic violence is attributed to the flaw in societal structure other than to any exact one-by-one male pathology (Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Huss, Rohling, 2006).

Ecological Framework Theory

Finally, environmental structure idea, in arguing that no lone idea can be utilized in interpreting or forecasting domestic violence, suggests risk components for domestic violence and interventions to address it at three levels— micro grade (e.g. batterer programs), meso grade (e.g. policeman ...
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