Domestic Violence

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Domestic Violence

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Domestic Violence


Domestic violence is the most crucial and alarming issue of the Irish Traveler Community. The prevalence of domestic violence in the community is common and is considered as natural act. Women of the Irish Traveler Community are suffering badly with the disasters of domestic violence. Being unaware, poorly educated and the typical cultural barriers of the Irish Traveling Community induce the unethical approach of the men of the community regarding their masculine powers and authorities. A research study being proposed to highlight the facts regarding the pervasive domestic violence in the Irish Traveler Community.


The aim of the study is to discreetly highlight the most crucial and disastrous issue of the Irish Traveler Community, Domestic Violence. The study has intention to discuss the prevalence as well as intensity of the domestic violence in the culture of the Irish Traveler Community. Moreover, the study discusses the room causes behind the unethical and socially unacceptable approach of the people of the Irish Traveler Community regarding the domestic violence. In addition to it, the paper highlights the disastrous impact of the domestic violence on the physiological as well as psychological health of the women. The culture of the Irish Traveler Community supports the domestic violence and the study is aimed to drawn the attention of the people towards the unethical values of the culture of the Irish Traveler Community.

Domestic violence (Academic definition)

Domestic violence can be defined as intimate partner violence that embraces the repetitive abuse behaviors by one intimate partner to another. The domestic violence arises among the intimate relations such as marriage, family as well as dating and cohabitation. An unethical approach of perpetrators powers as well as control over women is the underlying reason behind the domestic violence that involves physical as well as sexual violence. In addition to it, the concept of the domestic violence embrace man other abusive behavioral trends such as intimated threats, fear of being isolated, and fear of humiliation as well as coercive psychological behavior.

Domestic violence (Practical definition)

Any criminal offence can be considered as domestic violence that cause physical, sexual as well as psychological and emotional among the people in a closed relationship. In addition to it, the financial abuse against a family member can also be considered as a type of domestic violence.

Types of domestic violence

There are so many types of domestic violence that have adverse effect on the physical as well as mental health of the victim. The violence could be gender based in with the male partner usually assault the female partner. Moreover, the violence could be physical or sexual. It happens when victims suffer from physical torture and forced sexism. Similarly, domestic violence in terms of emotional or financial abuse is very common. Similarly, there are some evidences of the domestic violence in terms of ethnicity and disability. Under such circumstances, victims are humiliated for their different ethnicity or any kind of disability. Childhood Sexual abuse another adverse form of domestic ...
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