Domestic Violence

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Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence and Gender

Under the international law and, court Violence can be defined as any verbal or physical assault directed against a person or persons by a single or multiple individual. These assaults are performed with the intention to hurt the victim, physically, emotionally or psychologically. Physical abuse involves such acts as striking, smacking, punching, stabbing, strangling, pushing, kicking, burning or drowning. Emotional and Psychological abuse is somewhat linked together since both of them are to do with a person's mind frame. Verbal abuses are the acts of shouting, screaming, threatening, name calling, humiliating, coercing, lying, manipulating and sarcasm. The performance of any of the said activities against another human being with the intention of causing pain or discomfort is classified as committing violence against them (Anderson, 2010, pp. 48).

Domestic violence is any action or omission starring the members who comprise the group family, this can be by marriage, blood or affiliation and transformed into aggressors relations between them causing damage to physical, psychological, sexual, economic or social one or several of them (Avci, 2010, pp. 65-76). This abuse can be specified as:

Physical acts that threaten or attack the person's body such as pushes, slaps, punches, kicks, etc. Psychological Attitudes have intended to cause fear, intimidation, and controlling behavior, feelings and thoughts of the person who is being targeted as the insults, insults, control, etc. Sexual Imposition acts of nature sex against the will of the other person. Such as exposure to unwanted sexual activity, or manipulation through sex.

Domestic Sphere Are Equivalent to Torture

Domestic violence occurs in 1 of every 4 women in some stage of lives, regardless of age, sex, or race past. Women feel humiliated, frightened, ashamed, alone and unclear, but it is not their fault. They have the right to live their life free of fear or violence (Collins, 2008, pp. 477).

Domestic violence is usually perpetrated by men against women, but not exclusively. The Domestic violence occurs in all groups and classes society and can suffer in different ways, because of race, sexuality, disability, age, religion, culture, class or mental health. Violence can occur inside or outside the house. Abuse can come from a brother, parent, child, female family member, caregiver, tenant or ex-partner. Domestic violence occurs in different ways and circumstances as mentioned below:

Physical abuse - hitting, kicking, biting, punches, shoves

Sexual abuse - when a man forces a woman to do things that ...
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