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Domestic Violence

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Domestic Violence


This paper discusses about the criminal behavior of domestic violence in women. Women are victims of all forms of crime, but domestic violence-including sexual and physical violence-is responsible for about one-quarter of all incidents. Both women and men can be victims of domestic violence, but the most common scenario involves violence by men against a female partner or ex-partner. In addition, the crimes that are committed against women in public are often related to a female's perceived sexualized identity as “other,” or as lesser beings than men. Criminal justice systems (e.g., the police and the courts) do not always respond appropriately to crimes against women. Grassroots groups and feminist academics have challenged the responses to crimes against women not just from the criminal justice system but also from the media and criminologists. The challenge is in determining how sex and gender interplay with other social variables as well as figuring out the relationship between crimes against women and the objectification of women's bodies. Despite all of this, it is important to remember that women are not always passive and do not necessarily define themselves as victims.

Domestic Violence


Domestic violence is the physical threat or action that causes physical harm to the person. It is violence within the couple. Domestic violence comes under the category of human suffering caused due to the internal or domestic problems. The blood relations, marriage and the extended relations of a person are affected due to discrimination, physical harm, violence, sexual abuse and psychological abuse. It is an evolutionary process, in which a partner dominates the other partner, and misuses his or her power through physical, psychological, sexual, economic, or spiritual aggression or abuse. Domestic abuses can be classified as; physical abuse (e.g., hitting the victim, physically restraining the victim, breaking objects, physical acts against others); sexual abuse (e.g., rape, unwanted touching); verbal, psychological, and emotional abuse (e.g., swearing, ethnic slurs, insults, playing “mind games,” isolating victim from friends and family); financial abuse (e.g., running up debt in the victim's name, barring victim access from money, not allowing a victim to work); and threatening acts against victims and others, most notably the children, family members, and pets (Walby & Allen, p. 23).

Many sociologists name the nuclear family to be “cereal poster family” which means the picture perfect family which is found on the back of cereal boxes. However, Conflict theorist such as Durkheim and Marx believe that conflict is not always bad, as it can be seen as a problem solver. When there is conflict, opinions are heard and therefore a plane is there such as spouses and children which help each other to solve it. Moreover, they mention the basic reasons for domestic violence which is legitimacy, money, physical coercion or love. To support their arguments these sociologist highlight the role of a male married to a female. That man will want to use his role of a Patriarch and expect his spouse to be submissive. When arguments are raised the man of the ...
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