Domestic Violence

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The Criminal Behavior of Domestic Violence in Women


The Criminal Behavior of Domestic Violence in Women


Certain forms of violence have been seen historically as punishable wrongs against society as well as against individual victims. Domestic violence against women, however, even when it entails rape and murder, until recently, has been treated as a private matter to be dealt with by “family government” (Watson, p 1-225).

Problem Statement

Domestic violence does not only affect physical and mental health of the victim, but, adversely affects the upbringing of children, as well.

Etiology of Criminal Behaviour

The phenomenon of crime is present and is a social problem. It is socially annoying. Please explain why the crime occurs and on what scale it exists. The offense has several levels:

The constitutional - the creator of the standards of criminal law

The body - breaking the norm

Standard criminal - behavior that violates her

Reaction of a public body

The general public

Targeting Women

Theory of criminal behavior

There are two theories about what motivates men to become batterers. The feminist approach holds that domestic violence is a product of a sexist society that accepts and promotes male domination that defines women as sex objects or property. Those holding this view believe the best way to cure domestic violence is to change society by emphasizing respect and equality not sex and possession.

Psychoanalysis Theory

Self-related arousal (lower self) and denoted by the symbol (ID), which means (he) and containing this order of self-orientation innate, and preparations inherited, and the focus of this position of self to get carried away with his desires, and satisfy instincts in any way possible, regardless of considerations for the ideals and values ??and noble principles.

Population Victims

Most victims are women, and annually, compared to males, they experience ten times as many incidents of violence by intimate partners. Relationships where the male is the dominant decision-maker also tend to be more susceptible to abusive patterns of behavior.

Domestic violence is prevalent in the United States, and its victims are mostly women. Statistics indicate that a woman is beaten every 15 seconds that 90-95% of domestic violence victims are female, and that domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44, more than car accidents, muggings and rapes combined. Battery tends to be the pattern of violence; in fact, during the six months following a reported incident, 32% of battered women are victimized again.

Magnitude of the Problem

Violence is generic human rights of every human being: the right to life, safety, dignity and physical and mental integrity. It is found both within the family (domestic violence, genital mutilation) in society (rape, assault and sexual harassment, domestic slavery, trafficking in women and forced prostitution).

Violence against women results from the balance of power, domination and the need for control. These reports come from the social structures that build themselves on gender inequalities. Acts of violence are unequivocal: they seek to maintain the unequal relations between men and women and to strengthen ...
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