Domestic Terrorism In Context To United States

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Domestic Terrorism in Context to United States

Domestic Terrorism in Context to United States

This paper is principally elucidating upon domestic terrorism in context to the events that had happened in the United States. There are several threats United States have faced since September 11, 2001. In this essay it is discussed that what is the current situation of domestic terrorism in the United States. What are the possible preventions that can be taken in order to limit their impact upon local society? Despite of it, this paper will also discuss that what impacts such terrorism events would create on a social arrangement.

The history of terrorism attack in the United States can be dated back as back as more than 40 years. According to the official information, the bloodiest attack (almost three thousand dead) was that of September 11, 2001 by 19 followers of Al-Qaeda, who seized four airliners and released two into the Twin Towers of New York and one into the Pentagon (Champness, 2002). The number of deaths in that attack is attributed 85% of the terrorist acts in the U.S (Weisselberg, 2008). Second is the 168 recorded in Oklahoma on April 19, 1995, after being attacked with a car bomb by Timothy McVeigh, a lone anti-government terrorist.

In the past six months, U.S. authorities reported as many as 172 cases of explosive devices “improvised”. According to the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, University of Maryland; Since September 11, 2001 there have been 53 publicly known terrorist attacks. Of these, 43 were classified as 'domestic' plans, i.e. developed by individuals or groups in the U.S.

From the “explosive incidents” recorded in the past six months, most included the use of fireworks, gunpowder packed in tubes otherwise. The available information indicates that between 2001 and 2011 the vast majority of terrorist attacks in the U.S. court were of domestic origin, while the top three places in number of attacks were Liberation Front Earth 50, the Animal Liberation Front with 34 and Al-Qaeda, with four. In some cases the managers or planners are Americans with ties abroad (Champness, 2002).

According to Foreign Policy magazine, the use of “improvised explosive devices” (IEDs) has become popular in the U.S., for the same reasons as in Iraq or Afghanistan that is highly-impactful, cheap material and readily available.

Beyond the White House, media seize domestic terrorism to threaten the Iraqi and Afghan resistance, were added to this chorus of reactionary currents decomposed as LIT. His guidance, adapted to the marrow of bourgeois democracy, as it did on September 11, did not miss the opportunity to attack the “terrorist” who throw themselves into the struggle against imperialism using unconventional military means.

The bombing of Boston showed the failure of U.S. counterterrorism policy. Even with all the paranoia that surrounds internal security in the country, the attacks continue and nothing prevents a new September 11 occurs. The main responsible for the climate of insecurity in the U.S. is the ...
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