Domestic Abuse

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Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse


When intimate partners, spouses, family members or boyfriends use threats, physical abuse , stalking or controlling their peers, their actions are termed as domestic violence. Women are mostly the victims of domestic violence. Children are heavily infected by domestic violence and it has negative psychological effects on them. Nobody has the right to hit, threaten or abuse anyone, and if they do, they have to suffer consequences for that. People still believe domestic violence not as a crime and they believe it's their private matter. The governments all over the world are taking serious measures to put an end to this serious issue.


"Domestic violence" means mistreatment or violence that a man or a woman can live in the hands of a intimate partner, family member or same sex. It can occur during or after a relationship. There are many forms of domestic violence and a person may experience one or more. Abusive partners use various tactics to exert control and power over their victims. Domestic violence is a misuse of trust and power on their loved ones. The intensity and repetition of abuse may change over time.

Physical violence

Physical violence consists of the use of any physical force to cause harm to someone or threaten to hurt someone. It may occur once or repeatedly, including of hitting, biting, choking, burning, pushing, shaking, kicking or assaulting by the use of a weapon or any other source. It may include other forms of physical abuse such as kidnapping, brutality or a dangerous force of restraint.

Sexual violence and exploitation

It consists of unacceptable forms of sexual human behaviors. Activities that involve under the age consent are termed as sex crimes, which include child pornography and child molestation. If an activity involves non-consensual party, such as in a case of rape, sexual exploitation or sexual assault, than it is also considered as a sexual violence.

Emotional abuse

The use of verbal threats, criticism, social isolation, exploitation or intimidation for dominating over others is all forms of emotional abuse. Stalking includes threatening a person or their family, damaging their possessions or causing harm to their pets.

The Economic or financial abuse

It includes theft or fraud against a family member. Not giving money to buy food or medical treatments, exploit or manipulate for financial gain, not giving access to financial resources or prevent a person from working or controlling them from choosing their occupations are also ...
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