Does Humanity Control Nature Or Does Nature Control Humanity?

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Does humanity control nature or does nature control humanity?

Introduction Since creation of this world there has been strong relationship between nature and humanity. The change in their relationship has been subject of great debate. Bladeruuner's central theme has been the relationship between nature and humanity. Various social theorists diagnose the problem of humanity as bipolar disorder between our search for transcendence of nature (ideology) and our animal nature (biology) (Robert, 11). In this paper, we are going to debate on whether humanity is controlling nature or nature is still controlling humanity. The purpose of this paper is to let readers know about the power of one (humanity or nature). Particularly, this paper will show how science and technology is negatively influencing this fragile relationship.

Thesis Statement

Humanity controls the nature


Some people accept that the world's climate systems are changing, but try to argue that humans are too puny to be any part of the cause. Throughout history, humanity has tried to control nature. Today, with all scientific advancement in medicine, computers, and other technology, human beings have come closer than we ever thought of. With various benefits of these new technologies and various other advancements have raised ethical social and environmental issues.

Since the creation of human beings, they were depended on the nature but now nature is being controlled by humanity. In Old Stone Age human beings were nomadic hunter gathers but with passage of time things started to change and in Neolithic age which is also referred as new Stone Age, the agricultural revolution came in. human started to cultivate, domesticate, and raised animals, things completely changed. In Neolithic age, longer growing seasons, better growing condition, raising population was considered good and man started in order to live better life started to develop efficient methods of obtaining food. At that time revolution occurred in disparate location within relatively short time (few thousand years) (Houghton, 7). Gradual increase in these developments allowed man to have control over natural environment and now we can say that nature is not controlling human beings but human beings are controlling the nature.

Since creation of humanity, human beings have always survived on the land of nature, human were nomadic hunter gatherers at that time but today the scenario is difference as now it is turn of the nature to survive. Today natural environment's survival depends on the abilities of humanities to control man made population else there can be disastrous consequence on the natural environment. Humanity is controlling the nature such as human can improve soil to make it more fertile and irrigated so things could grow faster, we can sterilize cats and dogs so that they don't produce and we can at least for some time eradicate pests such as rats, insects, and mice. In fact whole science of medicine is about controlling nature. Without this we will naturally die from illness, injuries, generic disorders and diseases. This was the positive side of the coin; negative side of the coin is quite ...
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