Does Episiotomy Prevent Perineal Trauma?

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Does Episiotomy Prevent Perineal Trauma?


Rationale of the Study1

The Purpose of the Review2

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria2

Literature Review3

Episiotomy and Perineal Trauma3

Copying Strategies of Episiotomy3

Risk Factors for Severe Perineal Trauma5

Risks and Benefits of Perineal Lacerations5

Perineal Massage6

Anal Incontinence6

Vaginal Trauma6

Diagnosis and Complications of Perineal Trauma7

Perineal Trauma Diagnosis7

Complications of Prineal Trauma8

Midline Episiotomy and Vaginal Assisted Deliveries9

Mediolateral Episiotomy and Operative Vaginal Delivery9

Research Studies Conducted for Midline and Mediolateral Episiotomy10

Preventive Measures as to Avoid Risk Factor for Severe Perineal Trauma11



Does Episiotomy Prevent Perineal Trauma?


In introduction, we had gathered an overview regarding Episiotomy and the reason for its occurrence as to avoid risk factors for severe perineal trauma. Therefore this discuss revolves around the role of Episiotomy in the prevention Perineal Trauma.

Rationale of the Study

In a broader context, the perineal damage has been treated under the paradigm of episiotomy. The research studies are based on traditional concepts rather than quality evidence. The term “episiotomy” implies a surgical procedure performed during the second stage as the process requires scissors and revamp through suturing during the delivery (Mastoroudes, Gorti & Hudelist, 2008, 1-4).

Hence, Episiotomy involves the procedure of cutting the perineal tissues during delivery. The perineal trauma is a medical complication which spontaneously damages genitalia during episiotomy. Women in America today have 80% chance of giving birth to the child virginally. The researchers were conducted by world health organization and the evidence supported that almost 20% women had faced risk complication of episiotomy during the delivery time. They face blood loss, swelling and infections. It also has a negative impact on sexual functioning. This process leads to severe pain and the mothers fail to develop bond with their infants.

First time mothers face risks of episiotomy; as in the hospitals the private providers conduct most episiotomy procedures. Midwives tend to perform fewer episiotomies in the hospitals of America (Bruce, 2013).The study aims to gather relevant evidences to recommended episiotomy for the reduction in the first, second and third degree tear and episiotomy should referred the methods to reduce the incidence of severe perineal trauma if instruments such as forceps are used for delivery (Mastoroudes, Gorti & Hudelist, 2008, 1-4).

The Purpose of the Review

The study objective is to determine the aspects related to the episiotomy and a risk factor for severe perineal trauma. The study also examines the requirement of episiotomy procedure, the methods and to acquire preventive measure in the treatment of episiotomy. The present study will focus on the precautions and measures that can be taken to save patients from perineal trauma.

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

The research has provided very clear illustrations of inclusion and exclusion criteria to guide systematic review focused over episiotomy prevention of perineal trauma, its significance and consequences. Keeping this into view, the research study inclusive of the role of midwife in the process of delivery and the consequences that patient will face when suffered from severe perineal trauma.

Key words: Episiotomy, risk factors, perineal trauma, vaginal assisted deliveries, epidural, instrumental delivery and perineal lacerations.

Literature Review

Episiotomy is usually preferred in United States and ...