The Five Obstructions is the basis for a perfidious play as Lars von Trier has invited Jorgen Leth to participate in. Trier must establish obstructions - Obstructions - for Lethbridge while this makes the movie five times. The idea is that Leth going out to the edge of himself and his talent. The game between the two is very entertaining. Especially when Trier should make the first obstructed. Jorgen Leth is known for its long options - meaning that he is not making a single clip for several minutes.
Anger is a strong word. Opposition to the job, you meet especially when you meditate with others. There will typically be chosen a meditation in advance and it could well be just the meditation, you do not like. If you sit alone and meditate, the resistance will be experienced if you have promised himself or his teacher to do a particular meditation a number of times. The resistance in this case is very natural, since it typically gets just a meditation that has been good for you. Meditation and practice generally is not entertainment, its self-help (and for the enjoyment of others on the run).
Irritation is also the feeling that something is not as it should be. Sitting with others, it will be annoyance at others' sounds; they are always moving, etc. Irritation may occur over everything and everyone. Sitting alone, there will be sounds and other things that certainly can interfere with your otherwise amazing spiritual journey.
A good remedy for anger is Metta meditation. Metta is good at anger in general, not just against other people.
The third obstacle is distraction. You experience it as not being present in the moment. Thoughts arise of what previously happened in your life or remind you of ...