Do Organisations Need Marketing

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Do Organisations Need Marketing?

Do Organisations Need Marketing?

Task 1: Significance of Marketing for Tesco Plc

The aim of this essay is to discuss that “Do Organisations Need Marketing?”. Marketing is both an art and a science that allows the company to sell its products and customer loyalty in a highly competitive market. Marketing identify the human and social needs of consumers to respond profitably. I will discuss the importance of marketing with respect to the Tesco, Plc. Tesco is involved in grocery and general merchandising retailing. Tesco is considered as the number three largest retailer in the world if we gauge its position in terms of revenue. First store of Tesco started its operation in 1929. Tesco is one of the companies that are listed in London Stock Exchange. Tesco's success is reliant on the customers and the people, the customers who do the shopping and people who are working with them.

At the Tesco, marketing is a smart way to design products for the target market, to attract customers and to exploit a business idea. Successful companies who want to soak up success today must give great importance to marketing. Marketing is not just advertising. Marketing also includes the product design, distribution, pricing, advertising, audience analysis, etc. Marketing is the orientation in which it manages the marketing or marketing within an organization. It also retains customers, using tools and strategies; positioned in the mind of the consumer a product, brand, etc. Marketing planning at Tesco is an ordered set of steps and actions associated with a situation analysis of the environment, goal setting business planning, business plan development, its promotion to market intellectual property, as well as implementing a business plan, its promotion and monitoring its implementation (Ottman, 2011). Business planning at the Tesco is logical presentation of documents; convince investors of the benefits of the project. When developing a business plan is determined by the viability and future sustainability of the enterprise, projected to various kinds of risks, and business prospects are determined through quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Therefore, we must develop a marketing program around the variables of the marketing mix: product (service), the pricing structure, the system of distribution and promotional program. Marketers are often faced with the problems of a moral order. What is beneficial for business is not always perfect. Because not all marketers are a sample of honesty and integrity, companies have to develop corporate ethics in marketing and the rules must be followed by every employee of the company. These rules should concern the relationship with distributors, as advertising, customer service, pricing, product development and general ethical standards (Aaker, 2000).

Task 2: Value, Role and Function of Marketing for Tesco

Marketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets, to attract, retain and grow customers by creating, and delivering value. Marketing is a tool to find an answer to a given problem. In each of these situations, marketing professionals analyze the reasons for the status of the application and develop a plan of action ...
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