Dna Fingerprinting

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DNA Fingerprinting

Genetic material that makes the person inherits characteristics (sex, eye color and blood type) is called DNA. (Deoxyribonucleic acid) DNA is the long molecule made up of building blocks called nucleotides. What order of nucleotides is extremely important? Genes are grouped nucleotides. Each DNA contains more than 40,000 person's genes. Each inherited trait is determined by one or more genes. order of nucleotides in DNA is unique to each person. (Leurent and Debregeas p.1503-1506)

DNA is thin strands (chromosomes) found in center (nucleus) of every cell in body. only exceptions are red blood cells and platelets. Finger printing of DNA can be done with the sample of any body tissue. DNA obtained from white blood cells. THE drop of blood or air bulb contains enough DNA for testing. He is no special preparation for this test.

To obtain the DNA fingerprint, DNA-containing cells are collected and purified, cells are broken and their DNA is separated, if only the small amount of DNA available can be duplicated by the process known as amplification. DNA was treated with proteins (called restriction enzymes) that cut at specific locations to provide DNA fragments of different lengths, as each person's DNA sequence is unique DNA pattern varies between individuals. Using the power junction DNA separated by size on the thin slab of the gel-like material. DNA in gel was transferred to the nylon membrane because it is stronger than gel. Nylon membrane is soaked with solution containing radioactive chemicals called probes that bind specifically to certain types of DNA fragments. Probes are attached to only the few (to 20) of hundreds of fragments of DNA. Take the photo showing location of probes. pattern of DNA fragments is called DNA fingerprinting, auto radiography, and autoradiography. It is similar to bar codes are read by the checkout scanner ...
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