Divorce In United States

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Divorce In United States


Divorce is the legal termination of marriage relationship. It has many adverse effects such as substance abuse, social isolation, health problems and depression. The enlightenment in 17th and 18th century emphasized on equality and autonomy. Before, families were considered an organic unit and people had believed in collectivism. But with changing times and economic growth people have started to believe in invidualistic culture and give less regard to family values and relationships. Only a very small percentage of the Americans feel that divorce is never justified while most of them feel that spending life time with one partner is difficult and if a couple cannot work out their marriage, divorce is a good option. The empirical research findings suggest that the Americans will have increased difficulty in maintaining their family lives.

Divorce in the United States


Definition And Problems Related to Divorce:

The legal termination of marriage relationship is called divorce. Many positive outcomes are related with marriage, and ending of marriage is connected with negative outcomes. Married couples tend to be more cautious about their health and are more compliant with medical regimens. They have high salaries and savings, and are more pleased with their sexual lives as compared to unmarried people.

Divorced persons, on the other hand display low levels of psychological well-being, greater health problems. They often remain depressed or unhappy and get socially isolated. Substance abuse is another issue often encountered with divorce.

If we talk about the United States, increasing divorce rates and disputed family lives with the lack of family values are the issues of major concern.

Thesis Statement

What are the trends of divorce in the United States?


The Past Trends in Divorce in United States:

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