Divorce - How It Affects The Family

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Divorce - How it affects the Family

Divorce - How it affects the Family


Many people believe that marriages are some of the most beautiful things that can happen in life. However, when the times comes, very few give their soul and heart in order to be together with their partner. In the beginning, marriages are beautiful with high hopes, but as time progresses, these hopes and joy fade away and pressure is felt while making compromises. A huge difference begins to be felt between the life at the stage of marriage and sometime after this wonderful event. Even though they were once cute to each other, they seem to irritate each other and make themselves incompatible. Small arguments eventually lead to major conflicts which become routine. As these conflicts become routine, couples start to take some steps towards separation. Divorce is a legal termination of marriages. Therefore, it can be said that marriages are not something people can take for granted. They must be maintained properly throughout until death separated husband from wife. Since there are laws relating to marriages, people do not break marriages that easily. In case these laws would not have been present, marriages would be broken rather quickly (Kuehn, 2001).

Although divorce may not seem very harmful, they can affect the family in serious ways. After divorce, the people who face the greatest problems are the children. The decision as to who will look after the children is a major issue and is solved after a lot of problems. Usually lawyers are involved in order to solve the case. This is a great opportunity for them as they get to earn some easy money since solving divorce cases are relatively easy compared to other cases.

Effects of Divorce

Divorces are usually the outcomes of stress. When one partner is stressed by the actions of the other, divorce seems to be the best solution. It becomes even worse if children get involved. Over a period of time, it may be easier for adults to cope up with life after a divorce but the children are usually the ones to suffer since they have to life a tough life without a parent. Despite the issues, marriages can have positive as well as negative impacts on individuals. In a few cases, one partner may be violent or intolerable for the other. In these cases, divorces tend to be a solution to some major issues (Amos & Davies, 2007).

Divorce for Betterment of the Family

Although divorces are painful moments, it may be a relief for some people who are facing extreme hardships and feel that their marriage is beyond repair. It can be assumed that the divorces are a result of long standing issues that were present since quite a long period of time. These issues may be causing extremely harsh conditions such as bitter and ugly quarrels between the partners. In these circumstances, divorce seems to be the best solution. Although agonizing initially, later on in life, things get back to ...
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