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Divorce is now part of everyday American life. The consequences of end marriage are embedded in our regulations and institutions, our manners and mores, our books and children's storybooks, and our nearest and most significant relationships. Indeed, end marriage has become so pervasive that numerous people naturally suppose it has seeped into social and cultural mainstream over the long time span of time. Yet this is not case. end marriage has become an American way of life only as outcome of recent and revolutionary change. This change in family structure has really hurt children. end marriage has conceived economic insecurity and the disadvantage for many children who would not else be economically vulnerable. The effects of divorce has led to more fragile and unstable family households and has caused the mass exodus of fathers from children's households and, all too often, from their lives (Clulow, 1990). In addition, divorce has changed very environment of American childhood. One out of every two marriages today finishes in divorce and numerous separating families encompass children. During this difficult time span, parents may be preoccupied with their own troubles, but extend to be most important persons in their children's lives. young kids of divorced parents live in unstable family families and are at the larger risk of evolving mental and physical problems than are young kids of intact families.


When the vessel is going under, all passengers are given life preservers.When the marriage comes to an end, the similar state of emergency exists, but noone hands you the life preserver. You and your children are on your own,thrashing about, trying hard to survive (Clulow, 1990). Many parents in this situation feel likehelpless, frightened children themselves, wishing someone or something wouldsave them. envisage, then, how shocked and powerless children feel. Aseparation and divorce is the shocking experience for them, for their veryexistence depends on their parents. They sustain tremendous losses andexperience great pain, during, and after divorce. This crisis and tragedy ofdivorce is that this time, when parents are usually least able to help or eventhink about helping, is when children need their help most of all (Bienfeld,1). Theeffects of divorce on children can be devastating.


Blaine uses five exact guidelines for parents to follow in order to try and reduce effect of end marriage upon child. These are:


other as the place to visit.

parent with who they are to reside, and do not notify juvenile children about an imminent end wedding observance until resolute concepts for future had been acquiesced upon.

other. Every effort should be made to help them keep whatever sentiments of love or respect they may have for each parent (Grollman,84).

When contemplating a divorce, the children involved often come to mind first. Many people fear a divorce will hurt a child emotionally and decide to wait until he or she grows up to get separated. They do not realize that a constantly bickering family can hurt children more than if they lived happily with a single ...
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