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Raising Children in a Single Parent Household vs. a Married Household and what effects does divorce play in a child's life

Raising Children in a Single Parent Household vs. a Married Household and what effects does divorce play in a child's life


Divorce is technically the formal dissolution of marriage; more broadly conceived it is the catalyst for the increasing family fragmentation characterizing contemporary Western societies. From a societal perspective, divorce reflects the changing societal values and norms concerning marriage, gender, children, parenting, and caregiving. It has brought about significant shifts in the distribution of social welfare and has given new moral and political significance to previously uncharted demographic categories like “single motherhood.”


Divorce is defined as the legal dissolution of a marriage. As a legal action, divorce culminates in a final divorce decree, which outlines for each individual his or her obligations for division of property and assets; support, if indicated; and provisions for children.

Typical effects of divorce on children's behavior include feelings of sadness, anger, and fear, which may manifest in behavior changes and/or emotional and behavioral problems. It is common for these problems to become evident in the school setting (Hines, 2007). Typical in school-age and adolescent children is the desire or fantasy for parents to reunite, fear of abandonment by one or both parents, and/or feelings of responsibility for the divorce.


Children express their difficulties in the area where they are currently developing. Several developmental theories suggest that infant and toddler-age children experience significant effects of divorce. Common behavioral manifestations in infant/toddler-age groups are increased crying; intensity of problems separating from either or both parents; regression to an earlier developmental stage, especially in toileting; and sleep problems (Hetherington, 2006).

The majority of research on divorce effects in children has been aimed at child adjustment in school-age children. These studies have commonly focused on cognitive effects, such as school performance, and psychological and social functioning, including behavioral problems. At this age, cognitive ability increases, including the ability to take another's perspective (Emery, 2007). More specifically, the recognition of other people's feelings and goals, a more sophisticated type of reciprocity, is closely intertwined with cognitive ability in perspective taking. As a result, a couple of common behavior manifestations present themselves during this period for school-age children of divorcing parents. School-age children often feel anxious out of concern over loyalty to their divorcing parents. Also common at this age are feelings of anger that come with the lack of control they have over their current situation. The initiation of school-home communication and newly presented homework responsibilities pose a unique and additional challenge for these children as they frequently move between both parents' homes (Keith, 2007).

Adolescent children experience many of the same emotions that younger age groups do, but manifest them in different ways. One of the recognized adolescent milestones is the expression of a need for independence. Within the context of experiencing divorce within their families, adolescents may exhibit an effort to control their situation by demanding and then changing living arrangements ...
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