Division Of Labour

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Division of Labour

Division of Labour

“This division of labour, from which so many advantages are derived, is not originally the effect of any human wisdom, which foresees and intends that general opulence to which it gives occasion.” (Smith, “Wealth of Nations”, Chap. 2, p. 7)

Division of labour symbolizes the phenomenon where the production process has been divided into multiple stages and categories and that the labour has been divided and crafted into multiple categories, depending upon the type of labour activities that could be undertaken and experienced altogether.

In line with quote that has been undertaken, it not only changes the course of labour and their activities, but has also been established which not only makes way for a better outcome and continues to show is labour being rendered through the economic understanding and comprehension of the work that has been done altogether.

These days, the division of labour has become a rather clouded concept. While Smith promoted and displayed the ideology, it became evident that not only did it make way for assessing the details of the economic standards for delivering labour, but also called it to be the yield of non-human interventions.

Smith clearly and evidently notified that the division of labour has not been promoted by the changes and the challenges that are being promoted in line with the challenges that have been promoted without any intervention of human beings individually. However, it is because of the occurrence of industrialism and its impact that has changed the course of labour and its yield that causes the recurrent changes and the division to actually change place altogether.

Industrialism and its influence changed the course of history and development which not only caused individuals to continue changing and developing how human labour would work and the designated activities which would be provided to them altogether. Under the wing of Industrialism, not only labour was designated but was labelled in a way that till date, all us individuals continue to show the changes and the challenges that have been occurring and existing for over the passage of time (Abdullahi & Salawu, 2012).

These days, there are endless examples of the kind of detailed designation and job related activities that have been existing for over the years that people, particularly the labour sector, faces this demarcation. While many have been able to make way to perform their activities and traits, their duties, roles ...
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