Divesting Problem Employee

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Divesting Problem Employee

Divesting Problem Employee


Being a Human Resource Practitioner in a medium sized company; I have been asked to suggest different ways to get rid of a specific problem employee. One of the employees has been performing extremely low and is also going through a constant attendance problem due to her unreliable child care situation. The company has given enough time to the employee to get rid of the situation; however, now the boss has asked me to provide different ways to divest the organization of this problem employee. Below, a memo has been drafted to make the senior management aware of different ways to get rid of the employee. Also, a recommendation as to which option to pursue would be provided. Every option would be carefully analyzed in the light of associated risks. A proper justification behind the recommendations would be provided as an essential component of the memo.


To: Senior Management

Subject: Different Ways to Divest the Organization of the Problem Employee

28th September, 2013

From: Human Resource Professional

Respected Senior Management

The reason behind this memo is to suggest different ways to get rid of a constant problem; the company is faced with. There is an employee who has been performing in an extremely mediocre manner since quite a few months and she is also having problems related to attendance. The basic reason she provides behind her short of attendance and low performance is that she is faced with unreliable child care situation. Despite of giving quite a few chances to the employee; she is not improving and do not seem determined to reduce her problems which is impacting the quality of work. Therefore, this memo intends to provide different options through which the organization could be divested of this problem employee.

Firstly; being a human resource professional, I would like to suggest some ways to eradicate the problem rather than divesting the employee at core. The profession of human resource management is meant to understand the problems of the employees and propose the best solutions to them (Echlin & Thomlinson, 2003). The company needs to analyze the fact that an employee is disturbed due to the unreliable child care situation. Therefore, the company must provide the employee with the solutions which are capable of making the situation of the employee better (Boyd, 2010). The most appropriate solution that as a human resource professional I could think of is to provide the ultimate child care to the employee.

Providing child care benefits to the employees do not seem an expensive solution. The company possess enough space and resources to manage a little child care unit. This solution would not only reduce the problems of this employee; rather many other employees could become beneficiaries of such child care facilities. We live in a society where both the parents are usually working and therefore there is an immense need for efficient child care centers so to make the parents work efficiently and tension free in their respective organizations. Also, it remains one of the ...
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