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Diversity Plans for Department of Homeland Security

Diversity Plans for Department of Homeland Security


In the age of globalization, there e are number of issues organizations are facing. The most significant issue is the management of diversity related issues of employees. Ethnicity and cultural diversity issues are now a day has become the challenge for organizations to operate efficiently. Many organizations has transformed this challenge into opportunity and they the diversified workforce has become as an vital and important asset.

According to the report of 2007, Department of Homeland Security has more than 160,000 employees, which consist of diversified employees. 8.5 percent of senior executive service employees consist of African American. Similarly 2.3 percent of senior executive members are the origin of Asian Race. Women constitute 28.9 percent of total workforce of senior executive service members. Department of Homeland Security is highly diversified place to work. It is also required to devise such a effective diversified plan that can yield the effective results and can boost up the overall performance of its employees.

Diversity Plans for Department Of Homeland Security

First it is pertinent to understand the whole process of managing diversity in general. When organizations are faced to manage cultural and ethnic diversity, they are faced with number of dilemmas. These dilemmas are managerial participation, organizational participation and individual participation. But social and functional category diversity provides benefits for companies and they include adaptation, creativity and innovation and to some extent admittance to external networks. But the cost associated with these diversity management plans deters the firms to implement. The issue of cost arises due to the perception of managers and employees about the organizational conflict and they prefer to organize their interactions with the help of social identity lines. In such a way collective fences and temporal traps surround cultural diversity ...
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