Diversity, Or The Members Being Quite Similar To One Another.

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DIVERSITY, OR THE MEMBERS BEING QUITE SIMILAR TO ONE ANOTHER. Diversity or the Members being Quite Similar To One Another.



The concept of diversity is considered as the inclusion of everyone respectively. Diversity is all about learning from the others who are not exactly the same, about respect and dignity for all, not only this but also about creating workplace practices and environments that encourage learning from every other and holds the advantage of having diverse perspectives (Fine, 1980).In contrast with the group of similar people, it would include all the members from same background, race or culture. Different organizational theorists suggested different reasons that work-teams greatly diverse in the work-relevant characteristic can be hard to manage and motivate. There are many challenges for managers who are faced with the culturally diverse workplaces, in which the major challenge is misinterpretation within the organization.


Diversity in workplace brings many benefits to the organization which can lead to many different challenges. It is mainly the core responsibility of the managers working within the organizations, to make use of diversity as the influencing resource, to enhance the overall organizational effectiveness. Managing diversity is defined as the "Negotiating communication across culturally diversified groups and striving to get along in an open environment that is characterized by the cultural diversity”. Those companies that support the diversity in its workforce can make a step forward to build up the employee satisfaction level, retention, and productivity (Walck, 1995).

If we compare the diversity with the similar characteristics of people in a group, it would be entirely different to manage both the teams. Managers need to use tools and techniques that are required to manage both efficiently and effectively. It comes under the core responsibility of a manager to make the diversity related workplace strategies that could help to build the company's relationship with community and would enhance the participation of their employees and maintain the quality of its operations, services and products (Cynthia, 1989).

Examining both the terms on the basis of benefits would be helpful for the manager to decide what would be appropriate for the organization. Diversity could be helpful in increasing the innovation as different minds interacting with each other could bring new ideas that would be helpful for the company. Diversity gives substantial long lasting benefits, such as making the decision ability better and great problem solving skills, innovation ...
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