Distributed Leadership

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Is Distributed leadership, Deep Learning and Student Voice Educational Jargon or a Route to School Improvement

Is Distributed leadership, Deep Learning and Student Voice Educational Jargon or a Route to School Improvement

Educational researchers have long examined the link between the importance of principal leadership and student achievement, concluding that successful educational leaders have a powerful influence on the effectiveness of the school and student learning (Spillane, 2005). In fact, school leadership has been found to have a significant impact on student learning, second only to the effects of the quality of curriculum and teachers' instruction.

Until recently, most research assumed that leadership must come from the school principal. For decades, studies on leadership have documented specific leader traits and behaviors, focusing on the top of the hierarchical organization—the principal. There is now much greater emphasis placed on the idea of distributed leadership , shared by multiple individuals at different levels of the school organization (Spillane, 2004).

School Leadership

The idea that a single “hero” leader can lead and transform a school alone has become obsolete. The task of leading today's schools has become so multifaceted and complex that a single person cannot be expected to accomplish this alone. More than two decades of school reform has continually added to the workload and responsibility of the principal (Kochan, 2005).

The multitude of demands placed on principals' time draws resources away from a focus on curriculum and instruction, as numerous tasks from the school, district, state, and federal government require the attention and consideration of school leaders. Because of this, many educational researchers and policymakers believe that school leadership today should be distributed throughout the organization, rather than focused on a single individual (Huber, 2004).

Distributed leadership is currently a buzzword in educational circles, and in the past few years has been used increasingly in discussions about school ...
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