Distance Culture

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Distance Culture; Critical Evaluation

Distance Culture; Critical Evaluation


This study develops a critical observation and discussion over the different approaches and measures of cultural distance (DC) most frequently used in the literature on international expansion with two objectives: first, to analyze the extent to which organizations themselves are converging about their approaches and on the other, to study the impact on the process of international expansion and the influence of the DC itself exert a number of factors related to the concept traditionally which is away culture, but not explicitly contained in the various models that measure such distance (Gomez, 1997, pp.309-335). This study critically evaluates the research conducted an empirical analysis on the issues that are the root cause of international expansion because of distance culture (Chapman, 2008, pp. 217-234). The core findings of the study are the result of qualitative, interpretive analysis from the interpretation of cultural distance by managers from Germany, Poland and UK. The study conducted examines that how the managers with various contrasts can frame and construct an understanding through which they can explain their failures regarding managing international expansion of businesses (Chapman, 2008, pp. 217-234). However, this critical evaluation of the research will appraise the effectiveness of the research findings and their implications.


Before critically analyzing the research study, it is essential to understand the cultural diversification concept that has to be practiced by organizations through out the globe. Managers of the organizations must build a sense of understanding the major and minor contrasts of the cultural diversifications (Popescu, n.d, pp. 61). The culture of a community is formed in a long process of development and subject to constant change. The integration into an existing community or a specific culture is associated with the learning of specific concepts such as values, norms, behaviour patterns, and language (Browaeys & Price, 2008). It is also important to know that national culture has a greater impact on employees than the culture of their organisations. No doubt, the organisational culture is important to understand the behaviour of people at work. However, it is also a fact that national culture is more influential on working and communication patterns (Leung, 2005, pp. 357-378). Culture is transmitted through the social environment rather than through heredity. It is moulded in accordance with human nature and is something that all humans have in common. Strategies that work in one country may or may not work in another (Mead, 2000, pp.150-190. ). So the question becomes “How can businesses begin to understand these cultural differences?” Must they learn from their mistakes or are there generalized guidelines to follow?

Benefits from the Research

The study conducted defines a way to find answers to the questions stated above. It has been a positive decision to conduct this study through qualitative data. The data generations and direct analysis of the managerial perspective to Distance Culture among the Germany /Poland and UK/Poland managers helped the study to encroach the minor aspects of cultural issues being faced by the management of ...
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