Dissertation Proposal

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Dissertation proposal

Table of contents


Background and Problem Statement4

Research objectives5

Literature Review7



Dissertation proposal


Tour operating marketing in London



The aims of the project is to analyse and evaluate the marketing strategies adopted by tour operators in promoting London as a tourist destination.


To identify the concept of tour operating ,business tour operators and tour operators products.

To analyse the marketing strategies adopted by tour operators in promoting tourism in London

To evaluate the economic ,environmental and technological impact faced by tour operators.

To analyse the challenges faced by tour operators as an intermediaries in the promotion of tourism in London.

The SWOT analysis in terms of their marketing strategy.

To identify the growth strategies adopted by tour operators.

To evaluate the future of tour operating and sustainability in London.

To analyse the impact of tour operating on London.


Tourism trading counts on thriving formulation of strategic designing and its implementation. Tourism can add worth in the finances if correct trading design and scheme can be constructed and implemented. Tourism market may be segmented on the cornerstone of localized and  foreign visitors as well as earnings grade of the tourists. Tourism part should be correctly discovered, in order that it will have affirmative assistance in the direction of boost of Gross household product. Entrepreneurship development is needed in the tourism part and local collaboration can convey advantages for London. The item endeavoured to investigate diverse facets of  tourism trading strategies. Growth of the tourism commerce of a homeland mostly counts on household and international environment. The position of the globe as well as present position of the tourism part in London was furthermore discussed.


Background and Problem Statement

The study is founded on both prime facts and numbers and lesser data. Through approximating a regression formula, authors observe that for London- locations and cost of services have affirmative influence on the tourism sector. Authors proposed that tourism  should be acted on as an significant component of financial development of the homeland for which synergy may be directed between tourism trading design and its implementation process. Integrated trading communications conduit should be utilised to evolve tourism part of the country)


Literature Review

Tourism part as a entire is a blend component of varied associations encompassing tourism locations, so straightforward connection and transport amenities, provision of accommodations beginning from world class to poorer earnings assembly of visitors, securities, release scheme, diversified nourishment pieces for multiple assembly of persons with high value and distinct charges counting on the environment of the visitors, levy free stores, trip operators, journey tour guides, multiple dialects etc. Tourism part should be correctly discovered, in order that it will have affirmative assistance in the direction of boost of Gross household product. During very vintage time span, foreign visitors are utilised to visit the then very vintage Bengal. At that time Bengal was well renowned for its loveliness as well as its very vintage developed base. But after English direct and last cited on Pakistani time span, Bengal lost its own ...
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