Dissertation Proposal

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Dissertation Proposal

Dissertation Proposal

This proposal highlights important details related to the chosen dissertation topic titled 'The Role, Relationship and Responsibility in meeting the needs of Pastoral Care in the Rural Setting on the Frontlines of Compassion'. Although, the chosen title for the study is long, however, it encompasses many important elements related with pastoral care in rural settings.

Providing a brief background, Pastoral care has begun to mature as a profession especially in healthcare settings (Flannelly et al, 2004). Conversely, Taylor & Chatters (1988) define pastoral care as the mobilization of the church's resources, which are emotional, spiritual, informational and material, to reach out and assist families and individuals in crisis or who are facing more common problems of living. Contrary to the popular belief, pastoral care can also be fostered by lay church members and is not exclusively reserved to a church's minister. Similarly, Orton (2008) notes that a large and growing body of evidence highlights a positive relationship between spirituality and health. Hence, pastoral care need and demand is on the rise from many commercial or urban sector as well as from amongst the rural setting as well.

In relation to the last statement, Bushy & Leipert (2005) note that attracting medical practitioners in small, sparsely populated communities is even more a daunting task. To describe what is meant by a rural setting it is easier to describe that these areas are far away from urban or city centers and often a times lack certain facilities. This is where pastoral care and rural setting comes into the limelight.

In addition, Thompson (2006) shares that the information needs of rural patients are far greater than that of the urban respondents. Along with, they have higher emotional concerns that result as a defunct between greater distances between the nearest health and other ...
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