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Apply Bourdieu's FIELD and HABITUS theory +Foucault's POWER theory

Everyone was portraying in the school area, young men, young women, parents, educators, centered government, localized government, NGOs, and all the other persons proceed exactly or obscurely in this field. They are competitors who contend with their 4 kinds of capitals (Economic, communal, heritage, symbolic capitals)which they built up through the networks/relationships in this filed.

The genuine reasoning of a area is mostly through symbolic capitals; its reasoning appears not reasonable, digressive, not applicable to the genuine benefit. Everyone in this area can seem the 'magical' power of it. They put themselves interior this game gravely, pursue all the directions needed by the game, spend their built up capitals and redevelop them through swapping with other players. At the identical time, while next the directions of the game they dynamically certainly altered of the power structure by this exchange of capitals.

                Bourdieu analysed French learning scheme, he sharp out that the French ruling class is commanding the communal structure through learning system; school is a area which all the communal forces are vying with each other.  The affray will only halt when the ruling class has adequate power and methods to completely command the area, when this occurs, school for the time being becomes ruling class's instrument. This is furthermore why the ruling class is giving vigilance to the school scheme, to adapt it, to restructure it, in alignment to confirm the power distributions and redistribution is completely controlled. In other phrases, they are legitimizing the ruling power through teach people. To interpret more apparently, the ruling class is seeking to train persons, assemble the overridden groups' habitus.

                Habitus is the supreme outcome after an one-by-one internalise the communal leverage, particularly the leverage from informative system. Habitus then effortlessly and certainly direct and activate people's demeanour, and make all communal demeanour meaningful. As a outcome, habitus is the origin of all communal behaviours, life methods, undertaking patterns. Habitus is not innate, it reflects annals, and constructs annals at the identical time.

Point 1

In education system, agents (students, parents, teachers, etc) inhabit all the activities they are experiencing within and out school environment.

Foucault indicates that up to date learning is aspiring at rotating persons into topics with identical teaching practices through every day discourses, expert activities. Through the regulated methods, persons are ruled. Similar to Bourdieu's habitus, Foucault converses about how power controls persons through everyday struggles. He is not focusing on the governmental demoralised power, but rather the power inside the endless teaching and regulating processes. Power arrives with the opposition and only arrives when there is resistance. In supplement, the function of power is not repression but rather duplicates and recreates specific individuals.

Point 2

This apply to the gendered situation in education system, we can see that it is not surprising that Chinese government does not really consider gender equality for the sake of women as individuals. In other words, any individual is trained, or at least were 'designed' by ...
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