In the book “Disputed Moral Issues”, the author Mark Timmons has mentioned current moral and ethical problems that are prevailing in the societies. The book is a complete collection of the current issues and it involves seventy four interesting articles on existing moral issues. On each of the topics, the author has made its arguments.
The death penalty is an important topic that is also highlighted in this book. There are various aspects related to death penalty that are prevailing in our societies. The death penalty is the most cruel and legal penalty that present in today's society. The following section aims at analyzing the argument that is made by Mark Timmons and later, personal argument will be discussed.
Argument made by author related to death penalty
Mark Timmons has stated in the article related to the death penalty that “those who break the law deserve to be punished and the punishment “should fit the crime”. This argument of the author clearly reveals that he supports the death penalty. The author has also stated that it is very essential to protect the lives of the future victims by frightening their murders rather than preserving the lives of convicted murderers. He has said that if the murderers are not given death penalties, this will increase the possibility of the occurrence of crimes in the future as leaving the convicted murders without punishment would not deter others. Therefore, the author has said that death penalty is necessary and it should be supported by the people in the societies.
There are various opponents to this argument of Mark Timmons. Some people believe that sentencing the death penalty is an immoral act as it requires to carry out cruel and unusual things to the people who ...