Dismissal Meeting

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Dismissal meeting

It is always very difficult for an employee to be dismissed, and therefore, it generates negative emotions within the employees for the company. The company lays off an employee when it reaches the conclusion that the employee is costing the firm a lot more than the benefit he or she is rendering. It is the last options upon the tactical description of the company, and it could be caused by the employee itself, the internal changes, as well as, the external changes.

The term layoff is defined as “giving an individual an abrogating call, so as to terminate him from the work”. The notion is to safeguard the interest of the organization, over the interest of the employee. Lay off is a cumulative act of termination, that asks a group of employees to leave their jobs. It is an unfortunate practice that layoffs are taking place. Every year, management analyses the benefit rendered by the employee, as well as, the cost incurred by the employee, and therefore, terminates so many employees from the organization (Dhar, 2005).

Layoffs are often negative to employees, since they are casted upon the smallest possible mistakes made by employees, and sometimes, employee is capable of justifying himself. The paper focuses the subject of employee dismissal, which is, asking employee to leave the workplace. The paper discussed main subjects that include;

Ways to cope with negative emotions

The process of dismissal meeting

Assess the compensation to the employee

Make a chart that depicts the timeline for the disbursement of compensation

The effect of layoffs upon the company

Layoffs and employee emotions

Layoffs always lead employees to negative emotions, and therefore, employees often abruptly react to the news that calls them to leave the job, and therefore, they are no more the part of the organization. However, there are three ways to cope up with the emotions of employee who is being laid off, they are;

Let the employee speak: once the employee has been told that he is being laid off, he has excessive emotions burning inside him. The employees are therefore at a burning side of their emotions, they develop a tendency to react ad scream. It is with the management to call the individual in an office, and let him speak once he is told that he is being laid off. This would lessen his negativity towards the company, and let his emotions come out leaving no negative place.

Show him the job vacancies: another way is to show him the job vacancies, and therefore, show where he could maximize the potential. The right time is to investigate the jobs, as well as, the opportunities that lie ahead of employee. The idea behind this is to keep employees posted about potential job vacancies, as well as, places suitable for them to work. However, the right time is to do it once the employee is turned off, rather than, the time when the employee was being terminated.

Treat with respect: employees are to be laid off with respect, ...