Dismissal And Redundancy

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Dismissal and Redundancy

Dismissal and Redundancy

Organizations often have to reduce their staff or replace some of them in order to maintain its performance. This is done in various ways depending on the situation. Two common ways of doing so are by dismissal or redundancy. Both these terms are explained and evaluated below:


Dismissal is a condition where the worker is asked to leave his job because of unsatisfactory work or behaviour. For example, if an employee routinely arrives late at work, the management would definitely try to find a replacement that would perform the work in an orderly manner. In such situations as soon as the management is always keep on letting go of the employee so that a better employee may be a replacement. Secondly, employees caught stealing are also immediately dismissed in order to ensure that such behaviour does not happen again (Price, 2011, 114-119).

Dismissals are an effective way of making other employees aware of the fact that the management does not tolerate anything that is against the rules of the business and hence they try to perform better and improve their behaviour. Employees dismissed are often not considered at a later stage for rehiring because since he may have badly performed in the pa, it may be possible for him to perform in a similar way in the future.


Redundancy, also known as retrenchment is a situation when the services of an employee are no longer needed by the organization. However, in redundancy, the employee is terminated not because of any fault on his behalf. Most cases are because of the fault of the organization. For example, if an organization runs into a loss and have to cut down their operations to avoid bankruptcy, they would have to reduce the number of employees. In such cases, the employees are of no fault because they lost their job because of someone else. Similarly, government restrictions or changes in technology can result in some employees being of no use due to which the employees fulfilling those roles would to be removed from the organization as their services are not needed (Kempen, 2008, pp. 98-101).

When an employee is removed because of redundancy, he is compensated monetarily since he would be without a job. This is similar to the condition of daily wagers who work only when work is needed and are jobless when there is no work. Trade unions play an instrumental part in deciding which employee leaves and the process of redundancy. They also help negotiate a salary so that the employee may leave happily and be willing to return if the need arises. Apart from the compensation, the best thing about redundancy is that if the need arises, the employee may consider the possibility of rehiring the employee


There is a wide gap between dismissal and redundancy as the two words cannot be interchanged. The advantage of having the option of dismissal is that employees who are not needed by the organization due to the fault of the ...
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