Disease Management Program

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Disease Management Program

Disease Management Program


Disease management is defined as a proactive management of overall care to the patient based on a system and directed by medical care through continuum, in order to improve results and reduce patient total costs of care. This definition draws attention to two key aspects that matters to highlight i.e. to introduce a difference between the organizations involved in the management of the disease in a comprehensive manner, making the provision of limited services for disease management, and an emphasize on the idea of a coordinated system of care (Jaarsma et al. 2008).

The disease management platform is a product which allows for patient management processes in accordance with the conditions parameterized. The platform integrates with various subsystems allowing carry out the management and surveillance of the disease by defining workflows for different pathologies, making it easier for health professionals and patients understanding and management of the various steps, but maintaining a centralized view of the entire process (Darkins et al. 2008). The main objective of disease management is to produce best health outcomes for patients.

The Role of Preventing Disease

The discovery of a disease in its early stage is an item that is increasingly valued in modern medicine, since the earlier the diagnosis the greater the chance of patient's healing. It is also worth stressing that these preventive examinations play a key role in the evaluation of risk factors for cardiovascular disease, cancer prevention, prevention and diagnosis of metabolic diseases (diabetes), nutritional deficiencies and hormonal changes. The goal, therefore, is to make such examinations assess the profile and risks of each person, even those who are not sick, to guide them to adopt habits that mitigate risks or help make health care better. Depending on the outcome of these tests and the need for each case, the patient is then referred to other specialists such as a cardiologist, ophthalmologist, gynecologist, etc (Joseph et al. 2011).

In terms of prevention, the resulting fundamental proactive attitudes aimed at reducing the total personal exposure to harmful intakes such as tobacco of any kind, smoke, occupational dusts and chemicals and pollutants from indoor and outdoor air. Smoking cessation is undoubtedly the single most effective measure and cost-effective in reducing the risk of developing diseases, allowing also decreases or even stops its progression.

Moreover, many of occupationally induced respiratory disorders can be reduced or controlled by a variety of strategies to limit the risk occupational inhaled. Important result in this context, the appropriate health policies, health and safety at work and protection of workers exposed to inhalation hazards (Beaglehole et al. 2008).

Role of prevention is grater as it has several health benefits ranges from the reduction of coronary heart disease and the impact of risk factors such as smoking and depression and the harmful effects of the association of other diseases such as diabetes and colon cancer, as well as improvements in cognition.

Patient Incentives

The patient-focused medical home has exhibited guarantee for fundamentally enhancing proficient administration and delivery of value care, especially to ...
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