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Discussion 3, Question 1

Nurses involved in the key decisions of a Healthcare Organization

Skilled organization and the associations for nursing profession play significant for producing the liveliness, healthy ideas, and hands-on practical work that is needed to sustain a strong profession that is beneficial for the needs end customers and the nurses, and ultimately building trust of the general public. The article explains that by engaging nurses in the decisions made by the professional organizations and associations that are in benefit for the patients, encourages the nurses morally that helps in the healthy outcome in their services to the patients. (Matthews, 2012)

Not engaging the nurses in the decisions which are taken in account of patient care cause moral distress, and the same is continued then lead to moral scum, and develops a feel of be disappointed, annoyance, and aggravation. A nurse who performs her best in the patient care and value the quality in providing patient care, when not involved in the Organizational decisions, ;lead to the intrusion with quality results. These thoughts of irritation anger and stress may be turned on themselves in the form of low confidence and dissatisfaction from the job and therefore affecting the patient care services.

Nursing staff should be involved when taking vital decisions at all the levels of decision making i.e. systematic, Organizational and the processes. The leaders of the nursing profession prove that they are responsible for building the environment, which supports the courage of the nursing staff making them to perform at high level to provide the quality. Nurses work in the teams that contain other healthcare professionals as well as non-clinical staff and therefore they are helpful in providing their input during decision making that is valuable because of having a diverse type of practice and knowledge. (Edmonson, 2010)

Discussion 3, Question: 2

Multidisciplinary teams

Quality treatment care is always dependent on the careful harmonization between the number of treatments and healthcare staff providing the treatment. It is dependent on the discussion of methodological information and the other communication among all the healthcare providers and the physicians involved in treatment. While there is an increasing trend on the multi-dimensional therapy covering different modes in the treatment, there is an increasing trend towards involving a teamwork which consists of a team consisting of multiple healthcare providers and specialists working on the treatment plans (L Fennell, 2010).

Role of nursing:

Nurses are supposed to be the part of the multidisciplinary teams and are a part of those decisions that are made for the treatment plans of a patient. The involvement points include the decision making for the changes in major treatment plan through their experiences, after the treatment the relationship between the patient care and the observation, which follows the treatment; and the decisions that are made to involve end-of-life or palliative care that always requires a modified and expert treatment plan. The effect of teamwork on the team performance and the patient care is well explained that if the concerns and edges are not improvised there will be a ...
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