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Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions

Part 1

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is one of the most popular theories of psychology. Abraham Maslow proposed the theory. A pyramid that has the most fundamental needs at the bottom and the other needs like self-actualization above it portray this philosophy. The most essential needs of a human being are the physical needs that need to be fulfilled before a person can think of any other needs. After the material needs come the security needs of a person. After fulfilling the needs of security, comes the needs for love affection and friendship. After the need of protection, develop the needs for self-esteem and lastly, the top most level of the needs of a person is the need for self-actualization. This is the highest level of needs that a person is running after all his life. Not all the people reach this level of needs, and many spend their lives trying to reach this level of needs, which is the highest level that a person is looking after (Huitt, 2004).

The Maslow's hierarchy of needs is well defined, well conceived and supported by evidence. However, many people tend to run after the needs in an illogical manner. They tend to fulfill their needs of material nature first and then think that they can reach the next level in a glimpse. This is a misconception on their part. There also are people who tend to skip steps they are climbing this ladder of needs and fulfillment. Running after the need of self actualization without having fulfilled the need of self esteem, the need of love, care and affection and the need for security, is useless and not worth it. There need to be a consistency in the demands that a person is running after, and he should follow some logical pattern.

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