Discussion Questions

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Discussion questions

Discussion questions

Chapter - 2: Technology Life Cycle

Question 5: What is technological discontinuity?

Technological discontinuities are more often than not explained as technological advancement, which assess organization in reforming industry rules and regulations or changing the entire structure of the industry. The notion of technological discontinuities is not new but hardly anyone has tried to provide a different perspective of sudden technological advancement. Organization analysts are seeking answer to this huge question as to how to configure opportunity discovery so that it could turn into a coherent process that generates breakthroughs consistently, rather waiting anxiously for opportunities to occur.

Over the years, people has able to identify four different types of technological discontinuities and thus have able to create a structure for assessing organizational leaders in identifying innovation opportunities, recognizing different areas for increasing revenue, and recognizing convincing proposals for increasing customer value. This is also viewed as the strategic objective which describe convincing innovative business potential competent of accomplishing phenomenal growth.

This innovative structure considers the perception of an organization that desires and strives hard to discover new opening for discontinuous technological advancement and this perception of organization is based upon three primary hypotheses. Firstly, it is argued that discontinuity in technology comprises of developing different and innovative concept of improving customer value within prevailing market structure or in a new market. Second, by practicing discontinuous technological advancement organizations tend to develop entirely different competitive environment or transforming its techniques or procedures of providing value to consumers.

Third and most important speculation is based on the framework of the model implemented in the organization, as there are four distinct strategies of identifying technological advancement, which must not be viewed as interrelated to one another rather strategies focal point must to recognize changes by highlighting pros and cons that more often than not affect the discontinuation process.

Strategy One: (Radical Cannibalism explains changing existing product or service with a complete new product or service and thus enhancing the overall value of the customer

Strategy two: (competitive displacement explains organization putting pressure through their existing strategies over competitor and forcing them to bring change in their product and service)

Strategy three: (Market innovation means introducing new product and service through in-depth research and slight transformation in technology)

Strategy four: (industry genesis explains introducing new technology and simultaneously changing customer value through existing and new product)

Question 7: What is technology cycle?

This process explains the viable expansion in a product mainly due to extensive research, step of development and earning throughout his important life. Certain technologies, like steel, paper, or cement manufacturing are considered having long life as compare to other products like electronic and pharmaceutical products whose life span is relatively short. The involvement of technology cycle along with a product or service is entirely different from PLC that deals with the management of the product throughout its entire life.

For instance, PLC looks after the life of a product, its marketing techniques, and cost soon after product is launched in the market. The technology used for the creation ...
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