Discussion Questions

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Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions

Balance among Mind, Body and Spirit to have Good Health

For an individual, it is important and crucial that there should be balance among body, mind and spirit to have good physical and mental health. The reason of this statement is that each of these parts has unique needs that must be met for a good quality of life. These needs must be met in accordance with the laws that determine what is best for the body. The imbalance of one or more of these parts that is mind, body and spirit causes the malfunction of the overall health status of individual, causing injury and suffering that are maintained by the bad habits of life created by the individual, and that cause disease (Lee, 2012).

The most important needs of the body are water, sun, rest, hygiene, food and exercise. These needs must be met for it to be a sound body. Therefore, if one of them is not met then there is a risk of reducing resistance, thus causing health problems. Besides it, mind is the body part responsible for actions (behavior), attitudes (thoughts) and emotions (feelings). In the similar way, the mind has its necessity that need to be met such as balance, love, need to feel useful, peace and safety. Likewise, each of these parts that are not picked promote imbalance that mind and therefore favor the illness of the body. Just as the body and the mind, the spirit also has needs that must be met. It is the establishment of a connection between the inner self and God. These needs and this connection can be established and met by the various philosophies and religions based on which an individual's preference depends. In this view, it can be said that the balance among mind, body and spirit is vital, as a good quality of life is the result of a continuous process, necessary and consciously by the individual to strive to cultivate positive thoughts and behaviors and uplifting emotions in order to get a good mental and physical health.


Lee, J. G. (2012). Strategies for healthcare facilities, construction, and real estate management. Healthcare Financial Management, 66(5), 94-101. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1018430924?accountid=35812

Media and Perception of Good Health

Yes, the media affects our perception of good health; the basis of such is that the need of humans is to have attention. There are most in need of children and adolescents. Due to the hectic rush and the media, this generation does not give too much time and replace media communication and understanding often in families.

Children feel that the area does not see or perceive poorly. In this context, media and information society has both positive and negative effects on children. There is almost no family without television or mobile phone and internet.

The development of a healthy personality is possible only on the basis of the perception of others, verbal or non-verbal feedback. Only by meeting with other people, it can be easy to have good personality as if this ...
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