Discussion Questions

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Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions

1. What is the definition of Health? Do you think your definition is universal? Is the definition of health specific to your culture and/or beliefs? How might another culture's definition differ?

Health is a welfare state or equilibrium that can be viewed subjectively (human being assumed as acceptable general condition in which it is) or target level (it notes the absence of disease or harmful factors in the subject in question). The term health is opposed to the disease, and is the subject of special attention from the medicine.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or illness, as defined by the World Health Organization in its constitution adopted in 1948. This concept expands to: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." In health and disease, there are varying degrees of involvement and should not be treated as a dichotomous variable.

The health consciousness has evolved in terms of the historical moment, cultures, social system and level of knowledge. In the first years of history remained, for a long period of time, primitive thought (magical-religious), centered on the belief that the disease was a punishment from God, this attitude still remains in some villages in Africa, Asia, Australia and America.

Were the Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations which began the first major conceptual shift from religious magical sense a development of personal and public hygiene? In ancient Hebrew civilization, the Mosaic Law contains one of the first sanitary codes of humanity prescribes strict orders on personal hygiene, nutrition, sexual behavior and prevention of communicable diseases, some of which are still in force.

The word hygiene and the Hippocratic Oath today has its roots in Greek culture, inspired by ...
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