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Discussion Questions

Discussion Question 1

The film dead poets' society is an example to show how a leader can make great impact on its followers. A leader who might be good or bad can change the society accordingly to his plans. This is because a leader through his skills can make the followers go according to the plans. In the film the teacher acts as a leader and the students were his followers. Since the teacher was a poet he mostly used to teach his students relating to poems and emotions. The idea behind the teachers thinking was to see the world from a different angle. In the film the teacher supports his followers to do what they want to do. By the help of poems the teacher shows his followers the meaning of life and how to live it differently from others. Through the film we can see that the teacher wanted his followers to make choices and decisions according to their will. He allowed the students to understand life from their view and to make the future how they want it to be. The followers were very much delighted by this idea as everyone would want to live their life just like they want to.

However in the real life this can be somehow difficult. The problem that the followers faced was the opposition of the society. Being willing to make a future according to their will one of the follower was strongly opposed by their parents which eventually led to a chaos. The negative and positive aspects of having a leader with power can be clearly described by this film where the leader wanted his followers to be free whereas the society was opposing it.

Discussion Question 2

One of the most common examples for the use of performance measurements in healthcare ...
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