Discussion Questions 1 & 2

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Discussion Questions 1 & 2

Discussion Questions 1 & 2

Discussion Question # 1

Bricks & Mortar (B&M) General Contractors, Inc. received a solicitation (RFP) from a government agency to erect a warehouse, build a road through the woods to the warehouse, and build an adjacent parking lot. The solicitation contains a complete set of drawings and specifications that include the location of the construction site. The site is located in a heavily wooded area on the government installation.

What is one of the first steps that a contractor would take in responding to the solicitation?

The very first step that a contractor would take in order to respond to the solicitation is reviewing the Solicitation thoroughly and in a comprehensible manner. That should be reviewed in a way that all of its perspectives could be well-understood. A solicitation is hardly ever alone, rather it mostly includes attachments and modifications with it. Possibly, a solicitation determines the needs or requirements of the funding body or agency in the forms of political or practical motivation, such as job creation. By this way, through a deep analysis, the contractor as being a reviewer may develop a superficial comprehension of how the needs can be addressed by SP and also offers a solution to the stated issues. Throughout the review, the questions that can be formed are as follows:

For addressing the needs, what makes best suited for SP?

What will be the (ROI) returns on investments for the agency?

Is there any supplementary opportunity other than the preliminary solicitation?

Other additional queries regarding any need or ambiguity for additional information or clarification may also be resolute.

Which job should be completed first?

The first job that would be completed by the contractor after reviewing the specifications and drawings contained by the governmental solicitation is the cost estimation. The costs or expenditures ...
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