Discussion 01

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Discussion 01

Discussion 01

Suicide in Adolescents

The issue of suicide in adolescents is one of the biggest health problems in United States. Every year thousands of young adults commit suicide in the country and it has become the third leading cause of death for the young adults between the age of 15-24, and it is the fifth leading cause of death in the teens of 5-14 years old (AFSP, 2010).

Contributing Factors

Psychopathology Majority of the teenagers who attempted to commit suicide have been found suffering from psychiatric disorders like depression. The intensity of the effort of suicide can be associated with anxiety, depression and stress due to mental disorder (Koutek, Kocourkova, Hladikova & Hrdlicka, 2009). In addition, many mental disorders have increased feelings of suicide ideation and poor impulse control (Kwoy & shek, 2009).

Previous Suicide Attempts

Almost one quarter of the teens make efforts before committing a complete suicide. Anxiety has found to increasing the chance of several suicide attempts. The risks of suicide are three times higher in females, and it is thirty times higher in males (Brezo et al., 2008).

Access to Lethal Methods

The easy availability of the weapons is one of the contributing factors in increasing the risk of suicide. The most common location for committing suicide by firearms is home.

Maladaptive Coping Skills Poor interpersonal skills and maladaptive coping skills have decreased the ability of problem solving in teens and this eventually results in increasing the chance of suicide (Swahn, Bossarte, Ashby, & Meyers, 2009).

Stressful Life Events

Adverse life events contribute to the suicide attempts, and these adverse events may occur in childhood or the teenage. Situations like sexual abuse, separation, neglect, and past efforts result in increasing the efforts of suicide (King, O'Mara, Hayward, & Cunningham, 2009).

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms which ...
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