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Discrimination between White and Black Americans at Work Place

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Discrimination between White and Black Americans at Work Place


Discrimination is when people are not considered equal, and they do not enjoy equal rights. Discrimination starts on the basis of racism, which is usually done on the basis of color, such as white or black. Discrimination can also be done on the basis of either it is yellow, or red, or blue, etc (Hall, 2010). These are all ordinary racial categories which are very commonly seen in this bias world. It is very commonly seen that the ethic families have the habit of discriminating others by comparing it with other communities. They discriminate on the basis of religion, family ancestry, and on artistic performance. They prefer all people who belong to their caste and give those full rights and freedom, and they ignore others. The same case is in America, between white and black Americans. Black Americans is not given the rights as other European Americans enjoys. All people share a common origin and belong to only one race, human (Institute of Medicine, 2003). This is the practice which should be followed, but unfortunately, it not followed in America, and African Americans suffer due to this reason (Kamali, 2009).

There are many types of discrimination in different civilization throughout the world. The history shows that these types exist since ages, which got continued and got still practiced in many countries. However, Europeans were the first one who started his movement of discrimination. They started it on the basis of religion, color, caste, kingdom, job status, family status, family background, spoken language, and many more factors. Racial discrimination is an early tendency, which most of the people have in them and now the whole nation practices it. A lot of countries practice the ...
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