Discriminating Policies For Women

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Discriminating Policies for Women

Discriminating Policies for Women


Discrimination is one of the most urgent problems of modern Russian society. It represents a restriction of certain rights on the basis of characteristics that are objectively not affect its ability to enforce these rights. In domestic humanitarian studies as potentially discriminatory features are more likely to investigate racial and ethnic origin, gender, religious beliefs. Accordingly, the most fully described gender, racial, ethnic and religious discrimination. Considerably less attention is paid to other forms of discrimination, particularly discrimination based on age, although, according to sociologists, the prevalence of age discrimination is not inferior to the above, both in Russia and in Western Europe and the U.S., showing up in various spheres of human interaction - family, professional, educational, health and social services, etc.

The phenomenon of age discrimination came to the attention of sociologists and psychologists recently - in 1950-60-xx GG In 1969 an American sociologist R. N. Butler proposed to describe the concept of age discrimination to use ageism, by analogy with racism and sexism. Since age discrimination is actively studied in Western sociology and social psychology in the context of the age interaction.

Domestic researchers have paid attention to the phenomenon of age discrimination only in recent years, despite the fact that in Soviet and Russian social psychology has accumulated rich empirical material describing the phenomenology of the age relations. However, in the way of summarizing this material there are a number of significant challenges.

The first difficulty is that researchers have different meanings to the concept of age (level of mental development, personal maturity, life experience, at least - in place of the individual age-hierarchical structure of a community), which often makes their results comparable. This problem is rooted in the ambiguity of category "age", which allows her to treat the biological, mental, psychological and social contexts.

The second difficulty in the fact that in the studies described effects of different levels of human relationships - between groups (for example, the image of the same age group in the minds of others), interpersonal (eg, specific interactions in mixed-age group of children) and intrapersonal (the problem of identification of age), which does not allow determine where the problem mezhvozrastnyh relations in general, and age discrimination in particular in the structure of contemporary scientific and social-psychological knowledge. In addition, the lack of a common position in understanding the nature of ageism creates difficulties for psychologists ...
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