Discovering What You Lost

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Discovering What You Lost

“Low aim is the crime, so we should have high aims in our life”

These words of Emerson truly reflect how a passionate person should live his or her life. Life is not a bed of roses. It presents many challenges to us, but the winner is one who faces these challenges, and proves himself as a remarkable individual. Life has also thrown many challenges to me, and I dealt with them bravely. My motto in life is to be myself and discover pearls of knowledge to awaken my spirit and to serve others. I have always been ambitious and determined in my life about helping others and serving my nation. This is the reason why, I decided to join the army. However, my weight became an issue for me, I was 20 years old and I weighed 180 pounds. I was told that I had to lose 40 lbs so that I can join the army. As I had already made up my mind to join the army and serve my nation, I made it my aim to lose those extra pounds and become fit so that I can effectively give my services to my country.

I knew it will be difficult to lose the weight and then to maintain it as well. I consulted a fitness instructor who asked me to join his gym immediately. He told me that rigorous exercise will help me in reducing my weight within a little time duration. I was excited as I thought losing weight will take me a lot of time. I promptly enrolled myself in the gym. That turned out to be a big mistake of my life. The gym instructor was tough and strict about diet. He told me not to eat anything but drink lots of protein shakes and instructed me to exercise regularly. He used to make me go through a tiring and hard work out which left me exhausted and due to the lack of consumption of food, I was always tired and worn out. Day my day it felt that I had little energy left. One day my friend visited me and saw my worn out condition. I told him about my routine and promptly ordered me to stop going to that gym and start eating some proper food. He took me to a burger joint where I indulged in a big sized meal. He told me that the exercise routine I was following was wrong as it could lead to serious health issues for me. He gave me the contact detail of one of his friend who was a fitness instructor at a high school and asked me to contact him immediately.

The next day I called the fitness instructor and set up a meeting. I told him the details about my routine and he also told me it was a wrong way to lose weight. I offered his help to guide me in achieving this goal. He said a balanced and nutritional diet ...
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