Discipline For The United States Army Soldier

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Discipline for the United States Army Soldier


US army is the best army of the world. We can say it by looking at the soldiers of United States army which are showing a strong commitment to their values in spreading peace and harmony in the world. To be a U.S. Army Soldier is to be a part of the strongest fighting force in the world. You'll spend your days training, working and serving together to protect America's freedoms. But you'll also have time after work for family, friends and personal interests. From recruitment to retirement, the U.S. Army provides a unique and diverse lifestyle for Soldiers.

“Without character - particularly in the military profession failure in peace, disaster in war, or, at best, mediocrity in both will result.”(Meinhart,2003:53)

Becoming A Soldier

The first step in becoming a Soldier is working with a Recruiter to find out the best way to serve our country in the Army and how we can use what we learn in the Army to succeed in life. If we decide to join, we'll have nine weeks of Basic Combat Training (BCT) where we begin the transformation into a Soldier. At Advanced Individual Training (AIT), we'll learn the skills to do our Army job

Many people know what the words Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage mean. But how often do we see someone actually live up to them? Soldiers learn these values in detail during Basic Combat Training (BCT), from then on they live them every day in everything they do whether they're on the job or off. In short, the Seven Core Army Values listed below are what being a Soldier all is about.( Georgescu, 177)

To learn why each Soldier's role in the Army is important—and why we'll find such satisfaction in what we do. Every Soldier's career is unique. As we follow our interests and develop our skills, new opportunities open up. When we're not training or working, we're taking advantage of the benefits of living on an Army Post. And whether we're on duty or off, we'll be living the shared Army Values, such as Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage.

Because a Soldier's level of physical fitness has a direct impact on his or her combat readiness, a Soldier in the U.S. Army must be mentally and physically fit. Not only are physically fit Soldiers essential to the Army, they are also more likely to have enjoyable, productive lives.

We will find that military life can be a wonderful experience, although it has some challenges. We will notice right away that it is a community, but it definitely is not like living in our hometown. For one thing, we'll find that the Army has its own special language and uses a lot of abbreviations that will be new to we—to include the name of some of our benefits.( Klann, 85)

Soldiers are given every opportunity to grow especially when it comes to a career. As a Soldier in the Army, we'll gain a ...
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