Disaster Relief Plan For Bangladesh

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Disaster Relief Plan for Bangladesh

Disaster Relief Plan for Bangladesh

Bangladesh is one of those developing countries that have a unique geographical location. The land of the country lies in between the ocean side on the south and Himalayan Mountains on the north. The major natural disasters of the country include floods, cyclones, droughts, river bank erosions, tornadoes and earthquakes (Choudhury, 2008).

Maintenance and Training required for Disaster Relief Plan

The maintenance of the disaster relief plan is dependent upon the management of people who hold the responsibilities to implement the disaster relief plan. In order to make people comfortable with their responsibilities and roles in the disaster relief plan, it is important to train them so that they can thoroughly understand their roles in the process of implementing the disaster relief plan. The staff of disaster relief plan will thoroughly review their roles and responsibilities. They will participate in dry run trainings each quarter in a year. The organization will manage the list of the names and roles of the staff involved in the disaster relief plan. This list will be managed and will be kept up to date. The staff will be provided with proper training in order to achieve an effective and successful disaster relief plan. The trained staff can effectively implement the disaster relief plan in Bangladesh and ensure the business continuity of the organization during the time of any kind of natural or unexpected disaster.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Disaster Relief Plan


The concept of risk reduction through emergency preparedness programs is gaining emphasis over the country

The government of Bangladesh is working with CDMP (comprehensive disaster management programme) since 2003 in order to promote the culture of emergency preparedness and risk management activities in the country. The CDMP is financially supported by UNDP, DFID and EC (The World ...