Disaster Plan For Houston Texas

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Disaster Plan for Houston Texas

Disaster plan for Houston Texas


A disaster is referred to an event that occurs naturally or by man that affects the life, property and the living conditions of people. It is also very important to understand that disaster could have serious effects on the life of individuals. The core focus of this paper is to identify and discuss the natural disasters that occur in the region of Houston Texas and the related aspects to the occurrence of the disasters in Houston Texas.


It is very significant that the occurrence of disasters including flood, hurricane, tornado and fire are very common. It is always observed that the state of Houston Texas is always prepared for these disasters and also has effective plans for controlling and managing the after effects of the disasters. An important part of the plan for managing the disaster involve the effective placement of hospitals and a number of health care centers for taking care of the people physically or mentally affected by the occurrence of the disasters. An important evidence of the preparedness and effective planning of disaster recover in the state of Houston Texas involves the storage of sufficient supplies, protection of houses and making safe places to reside. It is very significant that the natural disasters are not in control of human beings but the safety measures are always taken by the authorities of Houston Texas for minimizing the effects of the natural disasters (Department of State Health Services, 2011).

It is obvious that there are different authorities that are responsible for disaster recovery planning in different states. In the sate of Houston Texas, the Public Safety and Homeland Security division of the Federal Commission is responsible for the planning of disaster recovery in this state. This division aims to communicate with the residents in ...